Search Results
R.A.Moog 702 Percussion Synthesizer - 1st Experiment
R.A.Moog 702 Percussion Synthesizer - test with LFO
Moog 702 Percussion Synth - 3 Osc Demo 1
Moog 702 Percussion Synth Demo 2 - rhythmic oscillators
Moog 701 Drum & 702 Percussion Synthesizers
Moog 701 & 702 - sequenced #1
Kev & Tom on the 701's & 702's...
Moog 701 & 702 - sequenced #3
R.A. Moog 701 Drum Synthesizer - Part 4 (now working...!)
R.A. Moog 701 Drum Synthesizer - Part 6 - Drum Sounds...!
R.A.Moog 701 - kick & snare...
Moog 1130 Percussion Controller First Test...